Requirements: FFTW3 compiled with double precision, LAPACK, and CMake
Go to the Downloads page and get a copy of the source code.
Extract the source code using the tar utility (e.g. tar -xvf gromacs*.tar.gz)
Move into the extracted directory and create a new "build" folder (e.g. mkdir build)
Move into the build directory and launch ccmake (e.g. ccmake ../)
$> tar -xvf gromacs*.tar.gz$> cd gromacs*$> mkdir build$> ccmake ../
Once the ccmake dialog comes up, press c to begin the initial configuration.
Modify the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable to set the target installation directory. Press g to generate. After ccmake quits, you can follow the standard linux installation commands of make and make install to complete the installation.
$> make$> make install
Supplemental installation instructions and notes
1) By default, GROMACS-LS is compiled in double precision and with optimizations (AVX, GPU, etc.) disabled. Thread-MPI and MPI are also disabled.
2) If you don’t have CMake installed you can get it here
3) If you don’t have the LAPACK library installed, it is not difficult to compile and install as follows:
$> tar -xvf lapack-3.5.0.tgz$> cd lapack-3.5.0$> mkdir build$> cd build$> ccmake ../
Once the ccmake dialog comes up, press c to begin the initial configuration. Change the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS flag to ON and modify the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable to set the target installation directory. Press g to generate the configuration files and exit ccmake. After ccmake quits, you can follow the standard linux installation commands of make and make install.
4) If you don’t have the FFTW3 library installed in double precission, you can toggle the GMX_BUILD_OWN_FFTW flag to ON to have CMake build it and install it for you during the GROMACS-LS compilation. If you have installed the FFTW3 or LAPACK libraries in a non-standard location (i.e. other than /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib), then before running ccmake you should export the variables FFTW3 ROOT DIR and CMAKE PREFIX PATH, e.g.
$> export FFTW3 ROOT DIR=/path/to/fftw3$> export CMAKE PREFIX PATH=/path/to/lapack
Details of the theory, numerical implementation, and examples:
General theory of local stress and central force decomposition:
Goetz-Lipowsky force decomposition:
Virial stress per atom: